About Us

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Get the Training| Get the Job | Go-N-Do it

Our Goal:
Our goal is to educate, empower, and equip biomedical science students and graduates for employment by providing CPD-accredited pathology laboratory certification of training and competency assessment.

This enables non-placement students and graduates to demonstrate employability skills that align with employer expectations.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to enhance the student training capacity of pathology laboratories by partnering with universities and pathology departments to provide department-specific training to non-placement students and graduates in simulated settings.

Our Vision:
Our vision is a future where all biomedical science students have access to pre-registration training through alternative training pathways that boost the training capacity of pathology laboratory departments.

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Edmund Gondo MSc MIBMS
Student & Graduate Mentor

With over 10 years experience in NHS pathology laboratories, Edmund holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree from De Montfort University where he graduated as a non-placement student and has personal experience of the challenges of career development as a non placement graduate.

He has a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Blood Science (Keele University) and a Master of Science degree in Clinical Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science (Manchester Metropolitan University).

With the NHS England School of Healthcare Science Certificate of Completion of Scientist Training, Edmund qualified for additional professional registration as a Clinical Scientist and worked as an Advanced Biomedical Scientist and Department Senior in one of UK's biggest and busiest hospital blood transfusion departments.

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